- homogeneous enzyme immunoassay
- 1) Медицина: одноантительный иммуноферментный анализ (однородный)2) Макаров: однородный иммуноферментный анализ
Универсальный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
Универсальный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
Immunoassay — An immunoassay is a biochemical test that measures the concentration of a substance in a biological liquid, typically serum or urine, using the reaction of an antibody or antibodies to its antigen. The assay takes advantage of the specific… … Wikipedia
Enzyme multiplied immunoassay technique — Enzyme multiplied immunoassay technique, or EMIT, is a common method for screening urine and blood for drugs, whether legal or illicit. It is part of the homogeneous immunoassay.The technique is relatively nonspecific compared to some other… … Wikipedia
EMIT — Das Akronym EMIT (Enzyme Multiplied Immunoassay Technique) bezeichnet ein analytisches Verfahren aus der Gruppe der Enzyme linked Immunosorbent Assays zur hochsensitiven und spezifischen qualitativen und quantitativen Bestimmung verschiedenster… … Deutsch Wikipedia
HEI — Health Effects Institute; high energy intermediate; highly exposed individual; homogeneous enzyme immunoassay; human embryonic intestine [cells] … Medical dictionary
HEI — • Health Effects Institute; • high energy intermediate; • highly exposed individual; • homogeneous enzyme immunoassay; • human embryonic intestine [cells] … Dictionary of medical acronyms & abbreviations
EMIT — Abbreviation for enzyme multiplied immunoassay technique. * * * enzyme multiplied immunoassay technique; European Mivazerol Trial * * * (e mitґ) [enzyme multiplied immunoassay technique] trademark for a homogeneous (single phase) enzyme… … Medical dictionary
Immunoprecipitation — (IP) is the technique of precipitating a protein antigen out of solution using an antibody that specifically binds to that particular protein. This process can be used to isolate and concentrate a particular protein from a sample containing many… … Wikipedia